Bodysurfing & Your Age (Are You Too Old or Too Young?)

how old should you be to bodysurf?

Before I bought my first bodysurfing handplane at 32 years of age, I wondered if I was too old to be using this wave tool. I felt like this mini surfboard was built for the younger generation and I was too old to learn how to use it. I did some research and observed the ages of people surfing at my beach. Here is the conclusion I came to.

At what age can you learn to bodysurf with a handboard? You can learn how to bodysurf with a handplane at the age of 5 all the way up to 70+ years old depending on your physical mobility. Bodysurfing with a handboard is very easy to learn so just about any age can do it.

Even though bodysurfing with a handboard may seem like an ageless sport, there are a few things you need to consider regarding overall safety. It is important to know that your age will impact how you learn something. The rest of this post discusses how age can influence your bodysurfing learning curve.

handboarding at a young age: benefits, learning, and safety

If you decide to learn how to handboard at a young age, you will reap many benefits compared to those who wait. You can be leap and bounds beyond others if you allow your child or yourself to start now. Below is a list of benefits you can expect to experience.

benefits of learning to bodysurf at a young age:

  • Conquer fear of ocean
  • Increase physical fitness
  • Respect for the beach & environment
  • Creates self-identity
  • Builds confidence
  • Develops awareness of surrounding
  • Learn to respect others

at what age can kids actually start bodysurfing with a handboard? Even though there is technically no specific age in regards to learning how to bodysurf, you do have to use common sense and judgment. For example, you wouldn’t throw your newborn baby into the water and tell him or her to swim, right?

With that being said, there definitely is a minimum age. It is typically the age they acquire full control of their motor skills, which will vary by child depending on how quickly they develop. Here is a quick checklist to know if you or your child is ready to tackle the ocean.

  • Ability to paddle with arms
  • Ability to kick
  • Ability to hold breath underwater
  • Ability to walk and stand with good balance

These are the basic motor skills needed to function in the water. If you feel confident in these abilities then you or your child should do just fine bodysurfing in the water.

what’s the best age to start bodysurfing?

Children between ages 9 – 12 seem to pick up learning new skills fairly quickly. This age seems to grasp and apply proper instruction better. However, do not let this hold you back from starting earlier.

Remember, at this age, your attention span can be very short so bodysurfing has to be something your kid enjoys. Otherwise, you can teach them all you want but they will never learn and fully appreciate this art form.

will learning how to bodysurf be easier at a younger age?

Typically, learning how to bodysurf at a younger age will be easier because bad habits are not usually created yet. Therefore, any improper form will not have to be undone. Thus you will be learning from a clean slate.

handboarding at an older age: benefits, mentality, physicality, and safety

As you get older everyone has the thought of whether or not they are too old to do something. Here is what I thought before I picked my new handboard. Maybe you might have experienced the same?

  • “This is childish”
  • “This is for the younger generation”
  • “My body can’t handle waves anymore”
  • “I don’t want to get hurt”
  • “I’m too old to learn this”
  • “I’m too old to become good at handboarding”

I was actually surprised to find myself thinking these things when I have always loved any type of ocean sport my entire life. Something happens mentally when you become aware that your body does not function like it used to. Therefore it makes to second guess your ability to learn and try something new.

benefits of learning to surf at an older age:

You should not let your age deter you from something that you want to do. There are so many benefits to bodysurfing if you can simply allow yourself the opportunity to engage in this activity. I have listed some of the benefits below.

  • Humbles your personality
  • Teaches you to relax and go with the flow
  • Heps you conquer fears
  • Improves over fitness
  • Networking possibilities

You don’t realize how small and powerless you are as a human being until you are at the mercy of a wave. It is truly humbling, especially if you are unexpectedly caught in a barrel or riptide.

If there is one important thing that the ocean has taught me, it is to be able to go with the flow. The ocean is constantly moving. In order to catch waves, you have to be willing to allow the ocean to be your guide. Fighting the ocean is never a good idea.

Also, the bodysurfing community is a great way to network. There is something about being out in nature on the open water that opens up new opportunities for you.

is it too late to start bodysurfing with a handboard?

It is never too late to start. Can you learn to bodysurf in your 40’s? 50’s? 60’s? There is no age limit. Age is just a state of mind.

If you allow these thoughts to manifest your life then you will never be able to try the things you are passionate about. You have to push past this fear knowing that it is just fear, nothing else.

So if you are asking yourself “can adults learn how to bodysurf using a handboard” then the answer is YES!

consider your safety

Even though it is never too late to begin to learn how to bodysurf, it is important to understand that you are not invincible either, especially as you age. This will probably cause you to alter your approach and philosophy in regards to learning new things compared to that of a younger person.

As you get older, your body moves a little bit slower so you will need more patience when learning a new trick. It is important to be mindful of this and go at your own pace to minimize jeopardizing your safety.

is bodysurfing harder to learn as you get older?

The cool thing about bodysurfing is that it is not that hard to learn in general. Using a handboard will actually make catching waves easier. This means less energy is used for paddling, which is good news for older people. The less work, the better!

Also, I noticed that it does not take a lot of good waves to make me happy anymore. I was very satisfied with only catching a handful of good rides. The older you get the more you appreciate what you accomplish in life.

are you physically healthy to bodysurf?

Regarding the topic of personal safety, bodysurfing with a handboard is a physically demanding sport, especially if you are in big surf. It is important to make sure your health is up to par.

When you start bodysurfing as you do not want to be fatigued to the point that you jeopardize your life while in the water. You know your body better than anyone else so be sure to make good judgment when it comes to the safety of your well-being.

Here are some key fitness points to focus on that directly impact your bodysurfing capability:

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • physical disorders, diseases, or heart problems

It is important that your body is limber and flexible when bodysurfing. There is no telling which way the waves will push or flip you. Therefore, your joints and muscles need to be ready for anything the ocean throws at you.

Fatigue can pose a serious threat at any age. If you ever feel tired while bodysurfing, make sure to play it safe and get out of the water. This will prevent cramping and drowning.

Also, if you have any physical disorders, diseases, or heart problems that could impact your bodysurfing ability, then make sure to take it slow and easy. You will have to have more patience and also be willing to spend less time in the water to accommodate these limitations.

As a certified trainer, I understand how important it is to be physically fit for any type of water sport. If you are interested in getting into better shape for bodysurfing, check out my favorite bodyweight exercises for bodysurfing. Additionally, make sure you know how to warm up properly before taking on some gnarly waves.

how old do you have to be to enter bodysurfing competitions?

Bodysurfing competitions are usually open to all genders and ages starting at 12 years old and up. The majority of bodysurfers that enter these contests are in their late teens, twenties, thirties, and early forties.

Typically, all contests will be divided into specific age brackets depending on how many people participate. To give you an example of a bodysurfing competition held last year, check out the Slydefest 2018 charity bodysurfing competition. You can also check out the 2018 world bodysurfing contest as another example to see if your age qualifies for competition.

what do you need to start bodysurfing?

One of the great things about bodysurfing is that you do not need anything to begin at all. Simply get out there in the water and start riding waves!

However, if you want to bring your skill up another and maximize every wave then you will need to invest in a handboard. This will allow you to catch more waves easily with increased speed and distance.

I also recommend wearing fins to help you paddle out and drop into barrels. Plus, fins also help you navigate the wave face easier.

To help get you started, I created this bodysurfing equipment page. It provides all of the gear I recommend for beginners and experts.

Related Questions:

are bodysurfing handboards only for children?

Bodysurfing handboards were built for all ages to enjoy. Adults can use bodysurfing handboards too!

Some boards are recommended more for children because of safety reasons. The Grom, for example, is perfect for children and beginners because it is a soft top and the easiest board to ride. There are no hard edges, which makes it bump-friendly in case it ever comes into contact with your head.

do you need to know how to swim to bodysurf with a handboard?

You do not need to know how to swim in order to bodysurf because you can bodysurf in waist-high water. However, I highly recommend learning how to swim as it will ultimately allow you to access larger waves further out in the ocean (if that is your goal). Plus, learning how to swim in general is good in case you get swept out to sea by a rip current.

is learning how to handboard difficult?

Learning how to bodysurf with a handboard is not difficult at all. I learned how to do it in one afternoon. Make sure to review my step-by-step tutorial on how to bodysurf with a handplane before you go into the ocean.

tips that will help you bodysurf at any age

If this is your first time learning how to bodysurf, here are a few tips to get you comfortable with this new wave riding tool:

  • Bodysurf without the board to get comfortable
  • Practice holding your breath under water
  • Bodysurf in waist-high water
  • Push off the ground just before wave hits to catch the barrel
  • Place hands out in front of you the entire time
  • Once you catch the wave, push down on the board to prop your body up

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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