What Is A Bodysurfing Handboard Leash Plug? (with pictures)

It wasn’t too long ago where I was confused about how a leash attaches to a bodysurfing handboard. Then I discovered that some handboards have a built-in feature called a leash plug.

What is a handboard leash plug? It is a small insert on the deck of your handboard that has a thin pin running across the middle of the opening. This plug functions as the connection point between your leash and handboard.

In the next sections of this article, I have provided close-up images to show you exactly what it looks like and where it is located on your handboard.

What does a leash plug look like?

bodysurfing handboard leash plug image

This is an image of a leash plug on the Slyde Wedge handboard. It is a high-density notch created on the deck of the board. The interior is very smooth with a glossy finish. This helps to repel water and make it easy to feed the leash string underneath the pin.

There is a thin metal bar that runs from one side of the insert opening to other. The pin is located 1/2 ” down from the top of the deck and securely lodged into the high-density foam core. There is just enough clearance to fit your leash string under the pin.

Where is a leash plug located on a handboard?

Leash plugs are designed into the deck of a handboard, which is the top side of the board where you place your hand. For Slyde handboards, you will find the leash plug placed towards the lower left section of the deck. It is about an inch inward from the tail and roughly 2 inches from the lower left rail as you can see in the image above.

Other handboard brands may have the leash plug designed elsewhere on the board deck. For example, the Hydro handboard designed their leash plug to be directly in the center just above the middle of the tail. The exact placement of the leash plug may vary but you will typically find it somewhere near the tail end.

Does leash plug location matter?

Leash plug board placement does impact your riding experience. It is more convenient to have the leash plug located towards the tail end of the board to prevent it from obstructing your view and getting in the way. There is also less possibility of entanglement if the leash plug is designed towards the back of the handboard.

Benefits of a leash plug

The leash plug is a very convenient feature to have on your bodysurfing handboard. Here are a few reasons why you should get a handboard that has this design feature:

  • One of the easiest ways to attach your leash to a handboard
  • Securest method of connecting your leash to a handboard
  • Prevents your vision from being obstructed
  • Reduces chances of entanglement

At first, I was confused about how to tie my leash to the plug. Once you learn how to do it, you will find that this is the most convenient and easiest method of attaching your leash. It’s as simple as tying a knot.

The leash plug also creates the most secure means of attaching your leash to a handboard. You will not have to worry about the leash slipping out of the plug. The knot around the pin remains firmly in place during even the roughest of wipeouts.

Concerns of entanglement and vision obstruction while bodysurfing are minimized when using a leash plug. It helps to keep the cord behind the board and out of your way.

Will a leash plug rip out from the handboard?

A handboard leash plug is designed for durability and impact. It is built for wipeouts. Therefore, the leash plug should never fail.

However, the durability of a leash plug ultimately depends on the material quality and design. If it is constructed with cheap materials and poorly designed then it is possible for the integrity to be compromised during a wipeout.

Slyde handboards have similar leash plugs to SUP boards. This is the strongest design and material to help keep you connected to your board. I have personally tried ripping the small metal pin out of the board with no success. It’s hard to imagine that the integrity of this type of leash plug would ever be compromised.

Leash plug material

The leash plug is a high-density foam insert that is reinforced with resin and then coated with a smooth fiberglass finish. The bar running through the center is made of stainless steel. These materials are some of the most durable materials available to handboard manufacturers today.

How does a leash plug work?

The leash plug is designed as an anchor for the leash string to tie around. You simply slip the string under and through the pin then tie a strong knot around it.

If you are confused, check out my step-by-step guide on how to attach a leash to a leash plug to a handboard. This will help you understand how it attaches to this feature.

Do you need to use a leash plug?

You do not need to use a leash plug for attaching your leash. Some handboard brands do not design this feature into their boards. If your handboard does not have a leash plug then you can simply attach your leash to the handboard strap to remain connected.

Which handboards have a built-in leash plug?

There are only a few handboards that have a leash plug designed into the design. I wrote a post that covers 5 handboards that have a leash plug in case you want to buy a board with this feature.

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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