do you need to wax your bodysurfing handboard?

Should you wax your bodysurfing handboard? Can you wax a board this small? Is it even worth it? These are all the questions I had as a beginner.

Is it necessary to wax your bodysurfing handboard? It really depends on your preference. However, waxing your handboard gives you extra grip to prevent your board from slipping.

Even though you are strapped in with velcro, it never hurts to have some extra grip. There are definitely some major benefits to doing this.

can you wax a handboard?

You can absolutely wax your handboard. It will not damage the integrity of your board. In fact, it should help protect the original finish of the board. Waxing a handboard is similar to waxing a surfboard but on a much smaller scale of course. Your handboard requires less time and less wax compared to that of a surfboard.

benefits of waxing your handboard

If you have ever surfed then you know that surf wax is essential. It helps to keep your body on your board while paddling out past the break. It also helps to establish stable footing when you stand up. It will keep you from slipping off of your board so you can ride more waves.

  • Using surf wax on your bodysurfing handplane will create a sticky surface for extra grip. It will help keep your board bonded to your hand as you swim out past the surf. It is very annoying when your handboard slips off while swimming. If you are not wearing a handboard leash, you will end up chasing it all the way back to shore. You don’t want to have to do that do you?
  • Handboards do use some type of strap to keep your hand firmly fastened. However, adding wax will give you the extra grip needed for sharper turns. If your handboard slips from your hand when you turn, it can cause you to wipe out. If your hand slips, your body can shift out of ideal wave-riding alignment.
  • Wax acts as a water repellant. It forces water to bead off your board. The less water on your board equals more traction for your hands. You want as much friction between your hand and the board as possible. This will help you maintain good riding posture so you can ride waves longer.
  • Applying wax to your handboard also provides a better grip for doing tricks. If you are performing 360 spins, you want to make sure your board remains stuck to your hand. Adding some extra wax will help keep you one with your handplane.
  • You might be surprised to know that waxing your handboard is actually a good warm up for your arms before you start bodysurfing. It pumps blood into your warms and activates all of your stabilizer muscles. This will help prepare your arms for swimming and stabilizing your body while riding waves. Warming up is a great way to clear your mind and also prevent bodily injury.
  • Wax will also make your board smell better. Sometimes being in the sea all the time can cause you and your board to smell a little funky. Wax comes in a variety of different aromas so you don’t smell like a salty piece of seaweed.

disadvantages of waxing your handboard

There are far more advantages to using wax compared to not using wax. However, if I have one gripe about wax, it is the removal of it. It can be time-consuming, tedious, and hard work if you do not do it correctly. I show you how to remove wax successfully from your handboard in my step-by-step guide. It is best practice to remove it every so often to apply a fresh coat of wax.

Another issue with using surf wax is that you have to constantly apply it to your handboard if you bodysurf frequently. I find myself coating my board every time I go bodysurfing to keep my grip fresh. I’m probably making this seem more of a nuisance than it actually is but I’m a lazy person!

Related Questions

what is surf wax?

I’m assuming since you have landed on this page you already know what wax is. In case you are curious, wax is a combination of different compounds that create a soft, sticky substance. It is typically made of paraffin and beeswax. It has a variety of different uses.

which type of surf wax to use?

Believe it or not, there are actually different types of wax grades you should use depending on the temperature of the water.  Warmer temperatures require a more tropical grade of wax. For cooler waters, you need wax that can survive colder temperatures.

For example, let’s say you live in a very warm climate but purchase a colder grade surf wax. It could melt off your board rendering it ineffective!

As a beginner surfer, I did not realize this and now check the grade of wax before I buy it. I have created a bodysurfing handboard wax chart to help you determine which wax to buy.

how much surf wax to use?

Since a handboard is very small, you will not be using as much wax as you would use for a surfboard. However, you will be applying a generous amount to keep your board sticky. I’d recommend using about a half bar of wax. It never hurts to use extra though.

how often to wax your handboard?

When I first started bodysurfing I only applied wax about once per month. However, as I became more addicted to the sport, I started applying a light coat of wax every time I went bodysurfing. It just felt better having a new sticky grip for every session.  You may find this to be helpful for you as well.

how much does surf wax cost?

A bar of wax is very cheap. You can visit your local surf shop and find a bar for around $2. If you tend to go through surf wax faster than a pair of underwear, then I suggest buying in bulk online. You can usually find some good deals like this Sticky Bumps basecoat, which is my favorite.

where to buy surf wax?

You can easily buy wax at your local surf shop. Maybe browse a few more local surf shops or sports stores to see who has the best deals. However, if you want to buy in bulk, check out some online vendors. You can usually find good discounts after a quick search on Amazon or eBay.

can I apply surf wax if my board has a textured grip?

A textured grip is designed to provide the traction needed for your hands. It was created to replace the need for using wax. Therefore you will likely not need wax if your board already has a textured grip like the Kung-Fu grip. However, if you still find that your hand is slipping, then you can apply additional wax to your textured grip.

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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