how much does a bodysurfing handboard cost?

The first thing you might want to know about bodysurfing handboards is how much they cost. After some in-depth research and my own experience, here is what I discovered.

How much do bodysurfing handboards cost? You can expect to pay anywhere between $35 – $200 for a new handboard depending on the style and brand. If you plan on buying a used handboard then prices will be lower.

This guide categorizes the different price points of handboards and also provides a convenient pricing chart as a quick reference to help you budget accordingly.

what is the average cost of a new handboard?

From my own research and experience as a beginner bodysurfer, $175 is about the average price of what you will spend for handboarding equipment. Before you start freaking out about the cost, let me explain how I arrived at this price tag…

These small boards are not as cheap as you would expect. I was surprised too when I first started my research on the product. I thought this tiny surfboard would cost me no more than $50. I was wrong!

You can absolutely find cheap handboards that cost around $35, which I discuss in my price-tiering section of this guide. The board I bought cost around $120 and that was for just the board alone! When you factor in all of the taxes and any delivery fees, it ended up costing more but you already knew that right? But wait, that’s not all.

I also purchased a few accessories to go along with my handboard, which you will probably want as well. To store and carry my board, I purchased a handboard bag and also bought a handboard leash, which is essential for any board you buy. You can read my post on why you need to buy a handboarding leash if you are not convinced.

In total, my final purchase cost upwards of around $175 and I didn’t even buy fins yet! Make sure to keep this in mind during your own research.

Now, onto the different pricing categories of handboards…

bodysurfing handboard price tiers

I have simplified the cost of handboards into three different pricing tiers. I categorized these prices accordingly to help simplify budgeting. This should help to focus your attention on certain boards if you have a specific price in mind.

cheap handboards

Let’s start at the lower end of the pricing scale when it comes to handboards. As a beginner, this is where I started my search because I was not sure if I would actually like using this type of board. Therefore my search consisted of looking at handboards under $100.

Even though this price range is the cheapest, you can still find some quality boards like the Grom soft top. Not only is this a great beginner board but is also very budget-friendly. It’s safe for kids and adults because there are no sharp edges and it is easy to use. It is probably one of the best beginner handboards money can buy.

There are even less expensive boards that you can purchase. I recommend checking out the Thurso and Hydro if you have a really low budget for starting your bodysurfing adventures. As you get more experienced though you will probably want to upgrade, which brings me to my next level of handboard prices.

mid-tier priced handboards

Handboards in this category will cost more than $100. The mid-tier level consists of both beginner boards and intermediate level. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself paying upwards of about $150 for some of the boards in this price category.

With a higher price comes greater quality and overall performance. One of the best handboards in this price tier is the Slyde Wedge, which is perfect for beginners and intermediate bodysurfers alike. Even professional surfers will find themselves using this board.

If you happen to be a more advanced bodysurfer and do not want the Wedge, you may be interested in checking out the Bula handboard instead. This board is perfect for shore breaks and steeper waves.

The Bula will make your turns sharper and allow you to easily carve up the wave face. The amount of handle and increased performance you get from this board makes it worth every penny.

High-end bodysurfing handboards

Handboards in this price tier are the most expensive handboards you will find. They range from $150 – $200 or more. You are paying for higher quality material, style, design, and performance when purchasing a board in this price range.

For example, you can get a Slyde wedge board made of grade A carbon that costs way more than purchasing the traditional Wedge made of the regular epoxy material. It is important to note that the different models and styles will cost more than the original. Therefore you need to make sure you select the specific style of the board you want or else you will be paying a higher price.

Also, if you want a board that provides more speed such as the Phish, then that will cost extra too. In this case, you are paying for increased wave-riding performance, which impacts the overall design and development of the board. To justify the cost of making this enhanced board, you will have to pay more.

handboard price comparison chart

I wanted to share this handboard price comparison table that I created. It compares the different pricing categories mentioned previously with the corresponding boards and price ranges. This should be a helpful tool in your search for the best handboards if budget is your main concern.

Pricing TierBoardPrice Range
cheapThurso, Grom, Hydro$30 – $70
mediumWedge, Bula$100 – $150
High-endPhish, Carbon Wedge$150 – $220

This table displays the different prices you can expect to pay for a handboard.

*Disclaimer: Please note that prices in this guide may fluctuate.

my final thoughts

Searching for the perfect handboard that best meets your budget can be a challenge. Hopefully, this price guide will help provide a better understanding of the cost of buying a new handboard. If you need more guidance, check out my post on how to determine which handboard to buy.

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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