Can You Use A Bodysurfing Handboard For Wakesurfing?

As an adrenaline junkie, I naturally wondered if I could use a bodysurfing handboard while being towed by a speed boat. I wanted to know if it was safe to use it for wake surfing. If you can do it with a wakeboard and skis then why not a handboard right?

So can a bodysurfing handboard be used behind a boat for wake surfing? You can absolutely use a handboard for wake surfing while being towed behind a boat. It allows you to easily plane across the water surface.

Check out the video below I came across for Slyde handboards. It shows people successfully using a bodysurfing handboard for wake surfing and how to do it. It looks super fun!

Is a bodysurfing handboard designed for this activity?

A bodysurfing handboard is not specifically designed for this type of water activity. It is designed for bodysurfing waves. However, the durability of a Slyde handboard makes it versatile enough for you to cross over to this type of planing activity.

Will a bodysurfing handboard break if you use it for wake surfing?

As you can see in the video above, the handboard did not break while the riders were using it. Slyde handboards are made from the strongest materials on the market. You can check out my post on what materials are used to make handboards just to see how durable they actually are.

Be mindful though that different handboard brands do use different construction materials. Therefore they may or may not be able to withstand such stress on the board.

What is the best handboard to use for wake surfing?

In the video, the riders were using the Slyde Wedge handboard. This is one of the better handboards to use because it is the largest board on the market.

The additional surface area is great for planing and stabilizing your body while traveling at a high speed. It is also super durable and provides maximum lift. This will allow you to easily raise your body up and out of the water for more fun and control.

Is it difficult to use a bodysurfing handboard for wake surfing behind a boat?

This water activity requires a good amount of strength and coordination. You will be holding a towing handle and also trying to stabilize yourself on your handboard while traveling at a pretty fast speed.

If you do not have the core or arm strength to stabilize your body, it will be challenging to perform this water sport. If you want to learn how to increase your strength and balance then make sure to check out my top 11 bodyweight exercises for bodysurfing, which you can implement into your weekly workout routine.

Is wake surfing with a handboard safe?

As you can see in the video at the beginning of this post, none of the riders were injured. It is a relatively safe activity if the boat maintains a slow, steady speed and there is minimal chop. However, if you do not have the adequate strength for this activity then you are definitely putting yourself at risk.

It is important to note that even if you do have the strength and coordination to wake surf with a handboard, wipeouts can still cause injury. You could easily dislocate your shoulder if you do not know how to brace your muscles for getting dragged across the water by a high-speed engine.

Fatigue can also set in quickly. For this activity, You have to hold the tow handle with one hand, which is taxing on your grip strength. You are also constantly balancing your body with one hand as you plane across the water, which can be tiresome.

If you are feeling fatigued then you need to take a rest. Not doing so can lead to injury. It is very to dip the nose or side edges of your board under the water causing a potential wrist or shoulder injury.

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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