determining which hand to use for a bodysurfing handboard

Many beginner bodysurfers have this same exact question. Based on my own experience and research, here is what I recommend.

Which hand should you use for bodysurfing with a handboard? My recommendation is to use whichever hand feels more comfortable.

You may find it easier handboarding with one hand over another. For example, my dominant hand is my right but for some reason, I am more comfortable wearing my handboard on my left. Plus, I feel stronger paddling with my right arm.

I suggest starting out trying to handboard with your dominant hand. If that doesn’t feel right then make the switch to your other hand.

how to determine your dominant hand

Using your stronger hand may mentally and physically help you start to bodysurf as a beginner.  This will allow you to feel more comfortable in the water and be more confident catching waves.

I will share a few different ways to help you determine your dominant hand. For most, your strong hand is the hand that you use for writing and eating. This is usually the indicator of the hand you will feel most comfortable using on a handboard.

However, this is not always the case. Many people were taught to write and eat using a specific hand thus never truly allowing themselves to naturally use their dominant hand. Therefore you may need to take another action to help determine your stronger arm for bodysurfing on a handboard.

Enter the handboard slide exercise…

Have you ever used the ab roller at the gym? You know what I’m talking about right? It’s the small wheel with little handles protruding from the center hub. Maybe you have no idea what I’m talking about? Well, keep reading because I will explain.

Performing a handboard ab slide is very similar to exercising your abs using the ab roller. For those of you who are unfamiliar exercising with the ab roller, it basically consists of contracting your abs to roll the wheel away from your body and then back towards you to complete the movement.

which hand and arm is stronger?

I have listed the steps below along with instructional pictures to show you how to perform the handboard slide. You will be performing this action either on the sand, smooth surface, or carpet.

1) Undo your handboard strap and then fasten to either your right or left hand. Make sure it is securely locked to your hand so it does not slide off when performing this action.

2) Once your board is attached to your hand, start by lying down in a prone position fully extending both arms with your board directly out in front of you. 

which hand to use for bodysurfing handboard

*Make sure your handboard is aligned with the center of your body and place your left hand on top for added support.

which hand to use for handboarding

3) With your body still fully extended from your toes to your fingertips and hips firmly planted into the ground, begin slowly retracting your shoulders away from your ears causing the handboard to slide towards your body. This action will force your head to rise up in a cobra position.

4) Continue pulling your shoulders back while simultaneously contracting your abs, hips, and pushing into the ground until you come into an angled tabletop position. Keep your knees firmly planted in the ground to help. You should begin to feel your body lift off the ground into a tabletop position.

determining which hand to use for bodysurfing

*Tabletop position consists of having both hands and knees firmly on the ground forming a table with your back. In this case, your back should be at a slight angle and handboard should be directly under your chest and shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from the top of your head down to your kneecaps. 

5) Once you are at the top of this movement, rotate your top hand to the sky leaving you to balance your body with the hand that is strapped to the handboard.

6) Place your hand back on the board and slowly return to the starting position to repeat one more time.

The actions described above mimic how you will be using your handboard while riding waves. Once you have completed a few repetitions with the right arm, switch hands and perform a few with the left hand on the bottom and right hand placed on top. You may notice a difference between the two sides.

It may be easier for you to perform this movement with one hand compared to the other. Whichever side enables you to get more lift with less effort is your dominant side.

using the hand that is closest to the wave

Some bodysurfers prefer using the hand that is closest to the wave face. So if you are riding a wave to the left then you will use your left hand. If you are riding the wave to the right then you will use your right hand.

I found that incorporating this philosophy for steeper waves enabled my other hand to be free and unobstructed by the wave face. For example, if you rode a wave to the left using your right arm on your handboard, your left hand could possibly get caught in the wave face because of your body’s close proximity to the barreling wall of water. This could cause you to barrel out or be eaten by the wave unintentionally.

Keeping one hand free from the wave face allows you to better stabilize and reposition your body as you ride the barrel. It is also easier to perform tricks such as 360 spins when you use the hand closest to the wave.

using your non-dominant hand

I actually prefer strapping my non-dominant hand, which is my left, into my handboard because it makes paddling easier. I found that swimming out past the waves was easier because I was using my stronger arm to help propel me out to sea. I also caught more waves using my dominant arm to help me drop into the barrels.

I typically bodysurf in waves 2 – 6 feet high and did not feel that my dominant hand was in any way obstructed by the wave face if I decided to surf a line going to the right. In fact, I felt like I was able to catch more waves by pushing off the wave face with my paddling into the barrel quicker.

become ambidextrous

Of course, being able to ride your bodysurfing handboard with either hand is ideal. This would make conquering the ocean much easier but requires a higher level of skill and patience.

You also need to have developed strength and flexibility in your “weaker” arm to be able to ride with either hand successfully. Although this method of riding may be slightly more advanced, it is still achievable for beginner riders if you keep practicing.

Related Questions:

Can you switch hands while riding a wave?

This would be very difficult to do and I do not recommend it because you could wipe out and get injured. The best way to use your handplane is to keep one hand strapped in at all times throughout the entirety of the wave. Feel free to switch hands while you are waiting for the next wave.

Is it easier to ride with one hand the board or two?

Riding a handboard is easy enough to use with just one hand! However, placing your other hand on top so both hands are on the board will certainly increase your control, strength, and lift. For beginners, I recommend placing both on your handboard to once you drop into the wave.

Derek Concannon

Living on Cape Cod during the summer as a child has forever turned Derek into a beach bum. He continues to live the simple beach life riding waves in South FL where handboarding is his new passion. This blog is his way of sharing any tips and tricks along his journey.

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